A ghostly clawed hand suddenly emerges from a flurry of leaves, grasping for the viewer.

Wraith Glade

The Intersection of Creativity, Nature, and the Mind

My Creations (#)

This is where I put all of my creative work when I want to publish it and share it with you! If you want something fun or useful (and created directly by me) then the My Creations page is where you can go to download it! This makes the My Creations page perhaps the most important subpage on this website, though there is still good value on many of the other pages. If you only visit one page on this website then visit this one. Everything on it is designed to be genuinely fun or useful and polished enough to be worth publishing.

However, do keep in mind this is only a small subset of what I've created over my lifespan. I add things to this website one brick at a time and only when the moment feels right and so it'll take a while for the amount of things to grow.

Journal & Changelog (#)

Previously known as the "detailed website history" page before the big website reorganization, this page now serves as both my own personal miniature journal and as this website's changelog (i.e. precisely detailed website history). Here's where you can find short (often daily) updates on what I'm doing or thinking and also commentary on what I've changed on the site on any given day. This is a very useful page for figuring out what new stuff may have been put onto the site since your last visit! It could save you a lot of time!

This kind of subpage is also sometimes referred to variously as a "log", "web log" (from which the word "blog" is derived), "mini blog", "micro blog", "diary", "chronicle", "site history", or "status update page", among many other possible terms. The subtleties of the meanings and connotations of these terms vary quite a bit. However, in the case of my log page here it is a hybrid of a short-form personal blog (not a "full" blog) and the site's changelog, but without any of the social media components that may be associated with the terms "mini blog" or "micro blog". This is an old school log. Popularity and profit are irrelevant.

About Site (#)

If you want to find out what this website is intended to be and to become, including the underlying philosophy and hints as to what direction the site is going to move in and what kind of items will be added to it over time, then this page will give you an overview of that.

Especially salient aspects of the initial inspiration and impetus that lead to the founding of the website are also described on this page, like a kind of textual memorial. 📷🗿

About Me (#)

This is one place you can go to read a brief overview of what I'm interested in and what my background is. Alternatively, exploring my website is another way to get a sense of what I'm into and what kind of person I am. In fact, exploring the website may be better because doing so is more experiential and more directly embodies my thoughts and actions.

Contact Info (#)

If you would like to get in touch with me by sending me a message, such as sharing your thoughts and support for any of my work or musings, then this page will tell you how. I'm generally pretty open and will respond to anything constructive, though it can take me a while sometimes since I am often getting "sucked down rabbit holes" (as the saying goes).

I also now have an account on sunny.garden's Mastodon server, a community intended for creative people and spanning a diverse variety of fields of study and mediums of creation. I want a healthy community of fellow creatives and so I've been tentatively expanding my memberships into more communities that seem to at least in part overlap my interests.

Policies (#)

This is where you can find legal formalities and other information about this website's policies, such as concerning "intellectual property" and privacy.

Neocities Profile (#)

This website is hosted on Neocities, a wonderful community of web revival and retro computing inspired website creators who are tired of being manipulated by big walled garden platforms that take away ownership of one's own creative output and social connections. Neocities thus helps support a better, healthier internet.

Each site has a corresponding profile page on Neocities where you can post on that website author's public page (akin to a social media "wall"), follow them to see notifications about updates they post, see general statistics about their site, and so on.

It'd be wonderful to hear from any fans of my site, so drop by and say hi! 🤗💞💖

The above header links there, but here it is again anyway: my Neocities profile.

PS: if you're trying to search Neocities' for something specific, then the built-in tag-based search can be rather limiting! It can't even search by username — only tags!

However, if you want to search Neocities for actual text content, try prefixing what you want to search for with one or both of the following in Duck Duck Go:

  • site:neocities.org or site:*.neocities.org (for Neocities sites without custom domain names: usually free users 😜)
  • just neocities (for Neocities sites with custom domains: usually supporters 😎)

The later search is less effective though, unfortunately, since it only finds pages that contain both "Neocities" and whatever else you are also searching for.

Webring Memberships (#)

A webring is a simple network of cooperating websites that link to each other via "previous" and "next" links to the other sites in the webring, hence creating a kind of ring-like linked structure and hence the name. Webrings are perhaps the oldest form of web community!

Webrings are also analogous to linked list data structures from computer science.

Such networks serve primarily as a way for independent websites to mutually support each others visibility (to avoid isolation) and also to create a strong community.

The webrings that I am a member of (or in the process of joining) are listed below:

NOTE: If anything on my site (or anyone else's!) ever appears strangely styled or like it has broken formatting then try pressing Ctrl + F5.

This (hopefully) performs a "hard refresh" and thereby clears false cached data about the site on your browser that may result in an incorrect display of the design.

It can also help when a site has been updated but you still can't see the updates.