Below you will find a simple alphabetically sorted list of downloadable files available on this site, which is intended to make it easier for users of the site to find files again.
- 12-tone equal temperament tuning info and frequencies (PDF, 82 kb)
- 60-tone equal temperament tuning frequencies (PDF, 46 kb)
- Aseprite hotkeys Anki deck (ZIP, 38 kb)
- Blood Reactor (ZIP, 170 kb) (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License)
- Lua programming Anki deck (ZIP, 60 kb)
- Misty Abyss (MP3, 4.71 mb)
- Mix and Matchable Indie License preview (PDF, 788 kb) (editable version is paywalled)
- Murmur of Moss (ambience only) (MP3, 1.85 mb)
- Murmur of Moss (melody only) (MP3, 1.33 mb)
- Murmur of Moss (MP3, 1.85 mb)
- Rainbow Delimiter Highlighter for Vim (ZIP, 17 kb) (MIT licensed, open source)
- Secluded Wilds (MP3, 2.62 mb)
- Traditional forums are better than social media (PDF, 88 kb)
All files should be assumed to have proprietary (or otherwise restricted) licenses unless stated explicitly elsewhere or within the downloaded file(s).
If one or more file seems to be missing then feel free to inform me of it by contacting me. That would be appreciated! (Note that this list is not intended to contain paid items.)
There are a few obsolete files (e.g. the old "AURFL license" — MAMIL's unused predecessor) which are intentionally omitted for users' own good, but when in doubt you should report any file that seems to be missing. Almost all downloadable files should be listed here.
Obsolete files can sometimes be found on my log page for those who truly want them.
Reporting broken links and files that fail to download would also be helpful! 🤗
If instead you would like a similarly consolidated list of pages for browsing (as opposed to downloading) then you may want to visit the site map or the home page.